Snap Clip Tutorial
How to Make a Snap Clip
Our Snap Clip Covers come in preprinted, predesigned templates— Simply cut out the design! Follow this simple tutorial to assemble your snap clip with a professional finish.
Materials Needed:
• Preprinted Snap Clip Cover Template
• Sharp Scissors or Precision Craft Knife
• Hot Glue Gun
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Cut Out the Snap Clip Cover
• Using the preprinted template, carefully cut around the shape for your snap clip cover.
• Ensure clean, smooth edges for a polished final look.
Step 2: Prepare the Slit for the Clip
• Fold the cover in half lengthwise (hotdog style).
• Locate the tiny guideline on the back side of the cover.
• Using sharp scissors or a craft knife, cut a small slit along this guideline.
• Tip: This opening will allow the metal clip to slide inside, so be careful not to cut too wide.
Step 3: Insert the Snap Clip
• Unfold the cover and take your metal snap clip.
• Open the clip and slide the pointed open end through the slit you just cut.
• Once inserted, snap the clip closed to ensure it fits securely.
Step 4: Secure with Glue
• Lift the snap clip slightly and apply hot glue to the underside of the clip and the inside of the leather cover.
• Fold the leather cover over the clip, pressing both sides together firmly.
• Hold in place until the glue is fully cooled to ensure a strong, lasting bond.
Your Snap Clip is now complete! These are perfect for quick and stylish hair accessories. Try different designs for a variety of looks!